A life at sea 
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At 90 years of age, Bill Clark is
our oldest student and since he first came
into our Learning Centre some 8 years ago
he’s regaled us with many tales of his long
seafaring career.
Bill served in the Merchant Navy for over
40 years and was very much part of the war
effort during WWII - his proudest moment
being when he sailed into Malta onboard
the SS Troilus in 1942 - part of the relief
convoy ‘Operation Harpoon’
Included here are photos of the SS Troilus
together with images of various memorabilia
including Bill’s first wage slip and the actual
enemy missiles that narrowly missed him and
his crew members as they sailed into Malta.
Bill is a very popular character in EDT’s
Learning centre and we are currently
working on a video interview In which he
shares his unique first-hand account
of the heroic Operation Harpoon.